About this helpfile

The files in this help were created with Frontpage98 Editor. The pictures were edited and/or created with Photoshop 5. The files were compiled with the HTML Help Workshop to provide a .chm file.

DirectX, HTML Help Workshop, FrontPage, Windows 95,98 and Windows NT Ó Microsoft Corporation

Photoshop Ó Adobe Systems, Inc.

Amiga, Kickstart, Workbench and the Amiga Logo are  Ó Amiga, Inc.

Amiga Forever Ó Cloanto

All other brand-names are Ó by their respective authors!


Thanks go to:


Found any mistakes in the file? Any comments? Feel free to write me!


NOTE: It took me a long time to create all this file, so if you want to use something out of the file, let me know!

This helpfile is Ó 1999, 2000 by Georg Veichtlbauer and does not underlie the GPL!